Teams - Manage and create

Teams - Manage and create

In this section, you can review and manage the teams formed on the platform. If teams already exist, you can edit them and redeploy people to them as needed.

How are groups used?

The groups and their rankings

When participants take courses, they accumulate a score per stage, which can also be visualized as rays of energy. The total score obtained can be viewed as a group and individually. This creates healthy competition among participants, achieving a higher percentage of completion and learning.

Groups and Analytics

Within the reporting you will also be able to see the organization's groups. All this through tabulated reporting or a general comparison of the groups that have the highest accumulated score and members. (for more info click here)

How to Create a New Team:

  1. Create Group:

    • Select "Create Group."

    • Add a name and a unique code for the computer (the code must be unique, including the computer name).

    • Click the Create Team button to finish.

  2. Assign Players:

    • Once the team is created, go to the members tab.

    • You will see a display with the list of users.

    • Select the users you want to assign to the team and click the arrow between the two dialog boxes to assign or unassign them to the team

Viewing and Editing Equipment:

  • By clicking on each group, you can see the users and the leader assigned to the team.

  • You can add a leader, it is not mandatory, but it is recommended to have one to motivate the team.

  • It is advisable to keep groups of 20 to 30 people. This makes it easier for users to interact with familiar faces, increasing engagement with the platform and encouraging players to finish courses.

Tip: If the group is created, you can assign new users to it from the moment you create them, either from mass upload or single user

Delete a team

If what you need is to delete a team, you have two options:

  1. As in the previous section, you select the team and in the information tab you have a direct button to delete it.
  2. From the team list, you have the option to delete by clicking on the three dots on the far right of each team 😉
It is important to note that in order to delete a team, it must be empty . Even disabled people who are on the team will count. This means that if you have disabled users who belong to that team, it will not be possible to delete it.

Did we miss something?     Don't worry! In case of doubts or queries, send us an email and we will help you!

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