Step 2: Create your course

Step 2: Create your course

Once you have your content organized, you can start:

1. Create your course:
Go to your platform --> Resources --> Create courses --> Nivelat Course. Fill in the requested fields in the form and press "Create course".

2 units:

From the main view, select the course and press "create unit".

Once you have the information ready, click on create unit. This will take you back to the general view, here click on the title of your Unit to start creating its stages.

3. Stages:

Within the unit, create the stages using the same "Create stages" button and fill out the form:

To finish and begin creating the interactions, click on the title of the stage:

3. Contents:

Click on "add content", in this section you can include all the text as it will help to have the information for each of the interactions at hand and I begin to put together a list of contents, which represents the structure, history or data that I want teach.

Once the content has been entered, press "Save".

  Eye! This name will not be visible in the course, but it helps you organize the content that you add. Remember to save the completed data.

Now you have the content ready to be gamified through interactions, we invite you to continue with the next step to review the interactions in detail through this article. (add link).

Doubts? Don't worry! In case of doubts or queries, send an email to the support team and they will help you ✌️

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