Report Tab | Report

Report Tab | Report

To access this section you must go to Results > Analytics to go deeper > Report / Report.

Panel: Users assigned by courses Report / Report of Users Assigned by Courses

The information in this tab is displayed in the form of a "data sheet". This detailed table will give you details such as:

  • User data (name, email, user code, ID, group)
  • Course and course code assigned to the user
  • date of: update, start and end of course
  • Status of the course (In progress, pending, completed).
  • Number of stages completed
  • Percentage of progress in the course
  • Performance percentage
  • Minutes played
  • Correct and incorrect answers
  • Score obtained

In addition, you will be able to view the courses that the participant(s) have been assigned and their data, giving you indicators that will be of great help for managing your training.

Tip: This section is updated every 24 hours

Remember that you can use the controls to download the report for a specific course using the filters. Click on the graph and then click on the three dots in the upper right corner.

Within this report you have functionalities similar to those of Excel: you can enlarge or shrink the columns, order A->Z or Z->A.

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Within the report, you have 4 large controls or filters available that will help you obtain the information you need with greater precision and speed.
  • Course: choose one or more courses
  • User: select the user(s) you wish to review the information.
  • Team: filter by the teams created on the platform
  • User status: View user information depending on their status (active, inactive, or all).

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