Score, Ranking and Brain Energy in Nivelat

Score, Ranking and Brain Energy in Nivelat

At Nivelat, we seek to improve your organization's training results by applying video game methodologies in user training to facilitate learning.

Ranking in Nivelat

Definition: The ranking is a comparison between users ordered according to the performance of each one. The main indicator that orders users is the score obtained in the query area (stage, course, program, general).

Available Rankings:

  • By Stage: At the end of a stage, players can view the weighting of the score obtained by the members of their team who completed said stage.
  • By Courses: At the end of a course, you can see the ranking of the score obtained.
  • Overall by Group: Shows the accumulated score by group.

Ways to Visualize Performance

💎 Score: Each stage has a total number of points depending on the type and number of interactions. A player's performance is the score obtained in the stage divided by the total score of the stage. If 60% is achieved, the stage is considered approved. In no case will Nivelat consider a stage completed if the player does not pass at least 60% of it.

⚡ Energy Rays: In addition to the score, performance can be viewed based on the number of energy rays obtained in a stage. It is possible to obtain up to 3 energy beams per stage and at least 1 must be obtained to unlock the next stage.

Approval Percentages:

  • A ray of energy: Represents at least 60% approval.
  • Two rays of energy: Represents up to 73% approval.
  • Three rays of energy: Represents between 86% and 100% approval.

As courses are assigned to the user, the total Energy Rays for all assigned courses versus Energy Rays earned will appear.

To calculate how many energy rays a course has, you must multiply the total of the stages by three. Example: The "Coronavirus" course has a total of 7 stages, so the total energy rays that a participant can obtain is 21.

Did we miss something? Don't worry! In case of doubts or queries, send an email to the support team and they will help you: ✌️

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