Get to know the magic link to embed documents

Get to know the magic link to embed documents

How magical is this link?

At Nivelat, through a magic link we improve the visualization of documents in the stages, leaving the content in the center without showing the information or configuration of the document and making only the contents visible.

Without the magic link

With the magic link

Step by Step

If you have your documents hosted on drive, the link you should take is the one obtained by clicking the share button, always remembering to grant permissions to the document before copying the link

After that, comes link editing. The identifier is the long alphanumeric data that you will find in your drive link between two / for example: 1a15byyuEQJK5YOlWtUH0ZR7xqRwR9T2ffJb0VdaRCE0 /edit?usp=sharing

The Identifier is 1a15byyuEQJK5YOlWtUH0ZR7xqRwR9T2ffJb0VdaRCE0 You take this and replace it in the magic link where it says [IDENTIFIER]. It will give the following result:

In this way you will have ready the link that you must use to embed the document in the course and thus the participants will obtain a more aesthetic visualization of it 😉
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