Edit interactions

Edit interactions

To modify the content of a course you must follow the following instructions:

1. You must enter your Nivelat profile and go to the "Contents" section and select the course.

2. Select the Unit you want to modify

3. Rename the interaction, press edit.

3. To edit content or interaction , select the "+" sign to expand the interactions that stage has and select the interaction you want to modify.

Once you have entered the stage interaction, you can modify the image and text that appears in said interaction.

Important: Always remember to press the "Save interaction" button below.


Be careful when deleting important content. You must verify that the content you are modifying is not deleted. We recommend that you back up the information before making any changes.

Did we miss something? Don't worry! If you have any questions or queries, please email the support team and they will help you at soporte@nivelat.com ✌️

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