Edit course content and information.

Edit course content and information.

Have you added a course to your library or want to edit an existing course? Here are the steps:

A. Edit general course information.  

1. Go to your library and select the course.

2. Access the information tab.

3. Edit the general fields of the course profile that you need: Within this same tab you can change the name, the status of the course, the cover and much more.

B. Edit unit information  

1. Similar to editing the course, this time select the unit and go to the information tab.

C. Edit information about a stage or capsule  

1. Inside the unit press on the stage.

2. Once inside, go to the Information tab and edit name and status. Press "update" to save the changes.

Did we miss something? Don't worry! If you have any questions or queries, send an email to the support team and they will help you support@nivelat.com ✌️
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