E-Learning Courses - Overview and Interpretation of data

E-Learning Courses - Overview and Interpretation of data

E-learning courses are all gamified courses created on the platform.

  • Exclusions: Does not include courses in document format, videos, SCORM, etc.

  • Display: Only courses that have loaded users will appear.

Although in the section Analytics You can delve into the details, here you will find an overview of the status of the courses, which will provide you with a mini report on the completeness, performance and qualification of each one.

By selecting any of the courses you will find:
  • Progress Tab: By clicking on each course, you can track the progress of specific users. In the progress column, you will see:

    • Progress of each user.

    • Performance based on correct answers.

    • Score and status.

You can download the data by clicking "Download report". These reports also include other data, such as the time spent in each course.

  • Performance Tab: This tab is essential for understanding how users are doing in the course and how they interact with the questions. The report details:

    • Number of correct and incorrect answers per question.

    • Identification of questions with low percentages of correct answers, indicating that they may need reinforcement or revision of the content.

This helps detect possible problems in the content or its explanation. The percentages are usually high, generally above 90%, since users can play more than once and correct their mistakes.

  • Comments Tab: At the end of each stage, users can leave their appreciation of the capsule: a "finger up" or "finger down." Although not required, this section provides valuable feedback to the platform or organization, indicating areas for improvement in the content or syntax of the questions.

  • Evaluations Tab: Each course can have a final evaluation. In this tab, you will see:

    • User performance in the evaluation and number of attempts.

    • Summary of correct and incorrect answers by user.

    • Downloadable data for analysis.

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