Commercial Ethics and Sence - Nivelat

Commercial Ethics and Sence - Nivelat

At Nivelat, part of our seal is to conduct business with clear ethical standards. That means we make the right decisions in our business activities and seek to be the best we can be in a world where our values guide our actions.

Our company is certified to carry out training activities under the SENCE franchise. It is our responsibility to ensure that these funds are used ethically, transparently and in accordance with the provisions of the law. In this sense:

  • We carry out quality activities : We care that all our training activities are valuable, updated and relevant, always exceeding the minimums required by SENCE. We include complementary material, webinars and access to content in a gamified format seeking to generate training with measurable impact.

  • We deliver only quality materials   :   We will never deliver low-quality or disposable materials out of respect for the participants and the environment. Our pendrives, printed documents, tablets, etc. They will always be of the best possible quality.

  • We send the material to each participant : We care that each participant receives their physical material, within the deadlines required by SENCE. To do this, we coordinate with the client deliveries to branches or private homes.

  • We accompany the participants during the course   : We ensure that each participant is progressing in their course so that they finish it within the established deadlines.

  • We use digital signature :   We have an e-signature platform with the standard of Law 19,799 of 2002 on Electronic Documents. This platform has been approved by the main OTICs as a valid way to collect sworn statements or pre-contracts.

  • Total transparency in our proposals   :   We will never offer items not directly related to training. We will always seek to deliver the most competitive and complete commercial proposal, in order to deliver a comprehensive training offer.

  • We do not give gifts with commercial value to our clients.   :   We believe that the best way to retain our customers is with ridiculously good service.

  • We always comply with all SENCE regulations :   The tax exemption is clear and strict in the requirements that each training activity must meet. We control that all the requirements of each activity are met and we keep a record of all the requirements to be audited by the client or external entities.

This commitment to transparency and integrity in our actions has been assumed by the founders of Nivelat and permanently communicated to our entire team. If at any time you consider that we are not complying with this commitment, write to us at

You have doubts?
  Don't worry! In case of doubts or queries, send us an email   and we will help you! 🚀
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