
Diplomas - Bulk Download

We know that audit processes often request information on the diplomas of participants who have completed a course at Nivelat. For this reason, we have enabled the possibility of downloading diplomas in bulk for a course with participants who have completed it.

Let's see the step by step! 👀

Steps to Download Diplomas Massively

  1. Enter the Training Section > E-learning Courses
    1. Go to the Training section and select E-learning Courses.
  2. Search and select the course for which you want to obtain the diplomas.
    1. Once selected, you will be able to see the Download report button. Within this button, you will have the option to Send diplomas by mail available.
  3. Send Diplomas by Mail
Click on the Send diplomas by mail option and confirm the export of the diplomas. You will receive an email similar to this:

The arrival time of the mail may vary depending on the number of diplomas that have to be generated. Only the diplomas of active participants who have completed the course 100% will be downloaded.

Download the Diplomas
In the email received, you will see a list of diplomas that will open in PDF format with the download option.

If you click on an image in the email, you will see it enlarged. 😉

We hope this guide has been useful to you. Good luck with your audits! 🚀

Did we miss something? Don't worry! In case of doubts or queries, send an email to our support team and they will help you: support@nivelat.com ✌️

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