Bookstore - Overview

Bookstore - Overview

In the bookshop You will find all the courses available and assigned to your workspace. Here you can edit the content and create new courses from scratch. (Link to content creation)

How to upload transversal courses to the tenant? To access transversal courses, visit the Catalog.  

In the library overview you will see the courses ordered in a list according to the creation date, the type of course and its status:

Course statuses:

  1. Draft : The course is being created and is only visible to administrators in the tenant. End users cannot see it from their application.
  2. In Review : The course is in its pre-publication stage. Administrators and reviewers can leave notes and comments for modifications or improvements. [See this link to learn about content review.]
  3. Published : The course is ready and visible to end users. You can access it and start learning from the app

Filter courses by status

You can filter courses by status using the button with the filter icon in the upper right.

You can use the same route to filter courses by type, whether it is a course created in Nivelat or External.

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